Tuesday, December 4, 2012


tidak bertanggungjawab..buang sampah dari balkoni

tahi kucing

sampah di common area 

selalu jumpa sampah area tangga 

ini bukan tempat sampah! 

macam-macam ada...

 tolong jangan buang sampah di sini!!

Admin berpendapat majoriti penghuni yang tinggal di Cemara adalah orang yang ada kesedaran sivik dan suka kepada persekitaran yang bersih. Namun ada sebahagian daripada penghuni tidak suka kepada kebersihan dan penting diri sendiri. Tengoklah, sampah dibuang sesuka hati di kawasan yang bukan tempatnya. Di mana hilang kesedaran sivik anda? 

Berpandukan kepada house rules pangsapuri Cemara, seseorang tidak dibenarkan membuang sebarang sampah/objek keluar dari pintu, tingkap, balkoni ke kawasan common property (hak milik bersama). 
Jika didapati ada penghuni yang tidak mematuhi peraturan ini, pihak pengurusan akan mengeluarkan notis bertulis. Jika tiada sebarang perubahan dibuat dalam tempoh 7 hari daripada tarikh notis pertama, pihak pengurusan akan mengeluarkan notis ke-2 dengan caj bayaran RM100. Selepas 7 hari notis ke-2 dikeluarkan, jika masih tiada sebarang perubahan, pihak pengurusan akan mengeluarkan notis ke-3 dengan caj denda RM500.

"1. Nothing shall be thrown or emptied by any person out of windows, doors or Balconies or in the common property

(a) Any Occupant(s) who committed such an offence shall be fined for an amount to be determined by the Management 

   i) A 1st written notice will be issued to the Occupant(s). If there is no improvement within 7 days from the   date of 1st written notice. A 2nd written notice with charges of RM 100 will issue to occupant(s). The said charges will contribute to the Building Maintenance Fund of the Management.

  ii) Issuing of 2nd written notice. If there is no further improvement as deemed satisfactory of the Management or charges of RM 100 have not been settled within 7 days.

  iii)Issuing of 3rd written notice with charges of RM 500 and same as above

  iv)Disconnection of Domestic Water supply as Pre-legal Action for recovery of charges arrears or there is no improvement after (iii) has been served on him/her. 

v) Legal Proceeding for Recovery of Arrears, in the event the defaulting occupant(s) continuing to default  in remitting the sum in arrears. A further Fourteen (14) days written notice (“Final Notice”) will be served on the said defaulting Occupant(s). 

Upon the expiry of the Final Notice, the Management shall proceed to institute Legal Proceedings against the defaulting Occupant(s) to recover such sum in arrears. All expenses and costs arising thereof shall be borne by the defaulting Occupant(s)

Notwithstanding the above, legal proceedings against any defaulting Occupant(s) may be instituted without any pre-condition after the service of a Final Reminder to the defaulting Occupant(s) specify in the intention of the Management to commence such legal proceedings. Any expenses and cost arising thereof
shall be borne by the defaulting Occupant(s)."


  1. demm..sapa yang pengotor sangat tu siap ada taik kucing dalam balkoni rumah??

  2. Takut penyewa dimana owner x tau..
